A Year in the Apiary

Follow the adventures and misadventures of a rookie backyard beekeeper (that’s me!) over the course of a year. Click the link at the bottom of each page or choose a topic from the menu.

“Wait, wait, wait!  That’s not how it happened!”

Okay, okay. The truth is that I had thought vaguely about doing something to improve pollination, but it had more to do with bats and bananas. The idea to become a beekeeper never crossed my mind. In fact, I had decided not to install an owl house because I was afraid that a swarm of killer bees would find it first and set up shop in my yard.

Then I came across the original Flow Hive video and stopped in my tracks — just like the time when I was driving down the street and saw the marquee for “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes”.


It was a brake-slamming, life-altering moment.

Before I knew it, I was buying books about beekeeping, exploring beekeeping forums, and taking online courses. Within a few months I had my beekeeping license and zoning permit, made some new friends, and had ordered a Flow Hive — but not necessarily in that order.

Then there was all the gear. I bought so much stuff that all the delivery guys know me. But I work in the ecommerce industry and can chalk it up to research — at least that’s my excuse.

A Year in the Apiary is a collection of true-life stories about my first year as a backyard beekeeper. I am not an expert by any means, but I will share what I learn along the way, including the rewards and challenges that are part of a beekeeper’s journey.

Orange Blossoms
Blossoms in spring
Winter oranges
Oranges in winter

1 Comment

  1. Barbaruby

    Excited to witness your unique journey! I too am a backyard beekeeper learning the ropes and sharing along the way. All my best.-


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