For backyard beekeepers
with limited space.™

Marking Tools

3-in-1 Mark and Trace

This chalk pen marks your fabrics clearly and accurately with a nice fine line. Use for patterning and measuring your fabrics. This pen-style chalk marker keeps your fingers clean for mess-free marking. The pen has a smooth traction wheel for drawing very fine lines. The chalk can be brushed or washed away.

Note: Test chalk on fabric before using. Some chalk colors are difficult to remove from white or very light-colored fabrics.

Washable Marking Pen White

Use this nontoxic white washable marking pen on dark fabrics. Marks can be removed with soapy water.

Washable Wonder Fabric Marker Blue

Washable Wonder Fabric Marker Blue makes a bright blue mark on light fabrics that can easily be removed with plain water.

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